If you're into design, you may know Invision, the app that grew quickly as the by-default prototyping tools for most designers.
The firm creates a lot of content to help newcomers master design skills. A few month ago, they created designbetter.co, a ressource platform dedicated to good conception practices.
Now design better presents the " Design Systems handbook ", an tiny interactive ebook filled with valuable advices, a great videos and an audio interview.
Here is the table of content :

The idea here is to help you and your company create a common design language, allowing your team to work better and faster next time.
The handbook is worth exploring, and, as always with invision, beautifull !

You can find the ebook here.
If you would like to access more free ressources on UXDesign, we advise you take a look at UXpin free ebook collection : UXpin ebooks.
See ya.